
Embodied Voice

Sacred Group

container of Embodied Voice

Guided by Maywa

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Do you feel insecure about your voice and wish to create authentically from your deepest self?

You are strongly connected to your intuition but struggle to express your voice freely due to the judge within you?

Despite having many inspirations, you often find it challenging to complete a project and may believe that your creations need to reach a certain professional standard before sharing them?

I invite you to ground yourself in simplicity, reconnecting from your essence to the voice of your body. This allows you to unleash your authentic expression with joy and playfulness.

“It is my passion to share with you my experience and create a safe space for you to explore freely your authentic voice. It is an opportunity to create and express yourself with a clear intention and direction, weaving depth and simplicity into your journey."

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Childhood Experience:

I've heard from incredible people who shared their childhood experiences, expressing immense joy when opening their voices. Unfortunately, many of them later faced discouragement from family or other adults who asked them to be quiet, criticising their lack of tune or discouraging their free expression

Personal Journey:

Personally, I'd like to share that I was singing before I even started talking. Sounds and frequencies felt like home to me from a young age. Expressing myself with words was initially uncomfortable and intimidating. In social situations, I sensed a disconnection between my inner world and the external one, accompanied by feelings of judgment and separation from a society that categorised everything, even art. To me, it was evident that everything is interconnected and united in essence, much like the connection between voice and body.

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Body-Voice Connection:

For me, the voice is profoundly linked to the body. I often wonder why there isn't a word in any language to describe the connection between the body and the voice. Why hasn't a term been created to express the unity of voice and body?

Art of Living Journey:

My journey has taken me from Africa to South and Central America, then to Asia, as I explored the essence of the art of living. Immersing myself in learning different languages, I rediscovered my soul's expression through sounds, words, and vibrations, honouring my body as a temple and instrument.

We Are Vibration

Let's reflect on our essence together and appreciate the profound beauty of deeply listening to the magic of nature and life itself, resonating within us. Explore how we can express ourselves with simplicity. Guided by the pure authenticity of our voices. Whether through speaking, writing, or singing, from a profound space of balance between our feminine and masculine energies. Create a space where we continually feel at home within, aligning our lives with our dreams.

Sometimes, there's a belief that we must learn more technical scales before we can truly start creating or sharing ourselves with our voices. I'd love to guide you, starting from your own intention to open your unique gift and frequency, recognising that less is often more.

When you root yourself in your body, forging a deep connection to the earth, you listen and tune into the sounds of nature, recalling your true essence. This enables you to express yourself freely, with your mind in service to your heart, body, and soul.

Sacred geometry design elements

4 months /4 worlds

from June to september

Each meeting, we gone explore our authentic voice and dive to create and weave sounds with each world to support our sacred group container

09/06 The mineral world

07/07 The plant & animal world

04/08 The human world, when the

mind serve the heart

02/09 The invisible world

one meeting / month

around each new moon of the month

I will record a video for you in case you miss a meeting and will share the transmission of each journey with the permission of all the participants.

Where: online via Zoom

Time: 2,5 - 3h each month

Sacred geometry design elements
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Ready to receive


to open your authentic voice

to create your own songs and Icaros

to rediscover the pleasure of singing as your inner child

Create your own codes with sacred sounds & frequencies

Breathing & toning exercises

Cacao Ceremonies and live Sound Journeys

Heart Sharings

*Basic price: $333

*Regular price: $444

*Premium price: $555

*For people without financial abundance

*The regular price of the course

*Supporter price for those who want to dive deeper with a one-on-one session with me

Possibility to pay in 2 times the whole journey or to participate for only 1 meeting

With love
